Monday, 24 October 2011

Lawrence Weiner

Weiner was one of the main characters involved in the conceptual movement in the 1960's and works mainly in text. His work consists mostly of big text on large walls that make some observation about life.  Nevertheless, Weiner works in a wide variety of media, including video, film, books, sound art using audio tape, sculpture, performance art, installation art and graphic art.

The work by Weiner is something that i think would stimulate my own practice, to take common sayings and understandings and put them in different contexts that question the meaning behind them and the intentions. i think this would keep me intrigued in my practice if i took a more critical look on language and how we use it.

 Salvo, D et al. 2007. Lawrence Weiner: As Far as the Eye Can See. Whitney Museum of American Art: New York 

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