Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Artist Infulence Four and Five: Marilyn Manson and Twiggy Ramirez

Although i can talk about these two people in one sense it would not do them justice nor fully explain how they influence me.
let's start with Manson, the more recognized of the two.

MARILYN MANSON: the poster boy for fear

Image: Marilyn Mason
Source: Unknown Don't Fabricate Stories About Marilyn Manson (2009)
[accessed 30/3/2011]

He is the king of shock rock and emerged in the late 90's with a style and attitude that was so alternate that he was banned from most concerts in America. I first discovered his music in 2007, the first song i ever heard  being "The Beautiful People"

From this I found his many albums, and now can say own all the main stream released ones . woo go me!
anyway on to why he's an influence. this man to me was an individual, he lets no one stand in his way of who he is and what he wants. not only this.
I loved the style the danger and the messages of being yourself in his music. 
i think i discovered Manson at a critical point in my life, and his music will always mean something to me. 
THEN if this could not get good enough i found out that he's fantastic at watercolours!! i know. how many talents can one person get ....gosh.
Image: When I get Old  Source: Lorrie (2008)      

image: The Man Who Eats His Fingers
source: Manson, M (2011) Paintings
[accessed 30/3/2011]

and he is also a director/actor :note highly graphic/sexual

This is why he is an influence on me and my work.

Probably the greater influence of the two as i enjoy his style and love his quirky remarks.It is he that i draw as my little character  everywhere. i love the androgynous he has and the fact that he is really the musical genius behind the band Marilyn Manson and their music.
  Image: Twiggy Ramirez
Source: Kishner, N (2011) Twiggy Ramirez
[accessed 30/3/2011]

i love his style and the eloquent way he has of speaking in interview when he was younger

that second vid i found just shows that i'm not the only one under his influence. and also out lines why i think he influences my art, he is innocent and perverse all in one. he is fantastic

The Ideas/ Processes behind the Diorama pt.2

i loved the movie and got the box set that came with a comic as well. i have seen the film over at least 20 times and read the comic at least 10 times.  i loved the way black and white is used in the graphic novel and bits of colour in the film.

i went through a period thinking that either i was a weirdo or the whole universe is insane. i have concluded on the latter. the perfect thing to show this i thought was R.Crumb's god figure that says that exact thing.
"the whole universe is completely insane"

i was given a 'how to draw manga' book and it was soon to be the only thing i did draw. this was the time that i found pen and was really coming into myself as an artist/illustrator. although i liked it at the time i am glad i do more than just that now and can still draw like this if i want to. 

although i still am gravely effected by music and get many influences form it i had a period of discovering new bands/ music and found that all i did was lay around listening to it, looking them up and their backgrounds and talking about them.
this is the list that comes just to the top of my head.
-The Vines
-Simple Plan
-Fall Out Boy
-System of a Down
-Good Charlotte
-Panic at the Disco
-Blink 182
-Alanis Morissette.

i loved the show 'Lamb Chop's play along, sing along', which had a song i sang repeatedly known as the "the song that doesn't end"'s just a taste...
"this is the song that doesn't end
, yes it goes on and on my friends
some people started singing it not knowing what it was
and they'll keep signing it forever just because...
this is the song that doesn't end
yes it goes......"

yeah you get the drift. i also loved and still love Aqua.
they're awesome.

and those are the reasons behind the images you see in this piece

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The Ideas/ Processes behind the Diorama

This is an explanation/ notes of why and how these images came about.

this is a familiar character that i seem to be drawing lately and is what i identify as my mark at the moment.
He is based on the bassist from the band Marilyn Manson, one of my greatest influences in both my life and in my artwork. Twiggins will turn up again as i backlog on my influences and artworks etc.

I've always been a fan of batman, with my favorite character being cat woman and cats are my favorite animal. this is because both are independent, graceful and undeterred by others. My firends and i were once discussing the caracters of batman in which he said..
"Cat Woman Was Just Some Crazy Bitch That Got Pushed Out Of A Window"
i never agreed but the quote stills makes me smile. 

i loved the dirty raw quality of street art and the skill it takes to make a work, not tagging, but a work that is skillfully carried out and can be admired. also i love Bruce Willis, whom in my eyes is the ultimate action hero (not Arnie the shmuck) and in every film i have seen so far is awesome/ great and brings the character to life. That's when I decided to watch every movie with Bruce Willis in it...I am still going........

I started drawing these faceless/sexless figures always trying to answer the question i thought perplexing and very confusing in nature.

All People 
are people
Are people
all people?

i also started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer in which had an episode that touched my morbid teenage heart. It contained two poems that i still have written on a crummy peiece of paper to this very day.
They Read:
poem one:
The sheets above my cool skin
like dirt on a madwoman's gave
I rise into the moonlight whitw
and watch the mirror stare
the pale fish looks back at me
pale fish will never swim
my skin is milk for no man the drink
my thighs unused, unclenched
this body is not ready yet
but dirt waits for no woman
and coins will buy no time
i hear the chatter of the bugs
it's they alone will feast.

Poem two:
I sit alone at my windowsill
trees crackle, sunshine blares
and children laugh like death 
their sharp happiness is a knife to me
one jealous snake on a windowsill
They will be here, tress and sun
and children with canes and pruney skin
when i am but a memory
i laugh in the trees of time

i sit alone and try to love them
i sit alone, a snake
i sit alone and try to love them
i sit alone and laugh

i loved him as a child and fell back in love with his stories after reading some of his quotes. he is one of the smartest human beings to ever exist in my opinion and his says for life always cheer me up.



Welcome lads and ladies to this exciting thing known as a Diorama. This was the first creative task given to us to do in our studio class.
so the first thought that came to me was to ask.....what do I think is a diorama, however, this led into a boring useless path of rhetorical questions that I honestly didn't want to answer.  Thank god my tutor came when he did and asked me the question...
"What do you like?"
this was easy. I had a full comprehensive list within 10 minutes 

once stripped down and organised into when (the chronological order i obsessed about it) read something like this:'

-Cats/ Catwoman
-Street Art/ Bruce Willis
-Sexless figures/Buffy
-Dr Suess
-Sin City
-The universe being insane
-Lamb Chops

and for the first time I allowed myself to fully submerge into what i like.

I had the idea to use the book form as a means of showing this story (from Amy Wilson's work)

and decieded to use Al foil as the material to do this on, as it is reflective and cool to work with.

so in the end you get a book :)
and a diorama

Artist Infulence Three: Amy Wilson

During a lecture for Studio whilst discussing what a diorama can be Amy Wilson came up. I loved the fact that it was not what people would think of as a "Diorama" and i liked the fact that it could be a "book".

Image: The Myth Of Loneliness
Wilson, A (2011) Working. 
[accessed 30/3/2011]

Although my Diorama doesn't pop up in anyway I did use the idea of a book as it could tell a story with each page turn.

Previous Works: The Common Theme

I decided to look back at my art and see if i could find any common connections  between them as they were each created at different times and for different things. What i found was rather surprising, there was a common theme...

made in 2006.

made in 2007

made in 2008

made in 2009

made in 2010

and this film...

that was played on this screen

I found that the common theme between each is that of androgyny. The figures i draw are either undefined as to what sex they are or have characteristics of both female and male. Although I only really could connect the dots after I had completed my Diorama, a collection of all that i had been obsessed with drawing. (i will post influences and pics of my diorama later)    and for this I now know how i can continue making work form this concept and the media that i can used.

Needless to say i am excited as a fat kid in a candy shop.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Artist Influence Two :Juan Francisco Casas

Juan Francisco Casas: the most amazing pen artist I have come across so far.....

Image: Juan Francisco Casas "Casas’ latest works at SCOPE 2009 in New York"
 source: Preuss, S (2011) Incredibly Realistic Ballpoint Pen Drawings by Juan Francisco Casas
[accessed 28/3/2011]

When you think of a portrait you think paint, when you  think pen portrait I used to get simple as my answer. Casas's work is anything but that, to say it is amazing is a grave understatement. I first found out about Casas last year while researching about my favorite medium -fine line pen. After a copious amount of time spent viewing any boring, simple, ill compositioned images over google, I then spotted a highly realistic blue portrait image, with could only be a photograph right? oh how wrong i was ..

image: one of Casas's many portraits (could not locate name) 

The amazing amount of time that has been spent on the attention to detail sends your mind into a boggiling state but what is even more crazy is the shear size of the images he creates..
image: Casas working on one of his pen works 
In each work he uses at least 10 or more pen ball point pens. He buys packs at a time and tests all of them to see it they would suit his purposes for the image he wants to create. 

In an interview with the Daily Mail in February 2008, Casas said:
“I guess it started off as a joke, to try and make something so realistic that people would think is a photo. I also wanted to create it with something that everyone has – a Biro. I don't think it has ever been done before.”
"And hasn’t been done since, as far as we know. Juan Francicso Casas appreciates the ballpoint pen’s “simplicity” and stresses the fact that as an artist, it doesn’t really matter what material you use. The only drawback of using ballpoint pens? One can’t erase mistakes and can just hope to make them early on. No wonder then that one large drawing can take Casas up to two weeks to make." (Preuss, S, 2011)

 All in all this man is amazing.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Inspration One

this may be a bit obvious and a little redundant but the first i must list off as an infulence on me is the street artist Banksy.

i stumbled across him a while ago and found him very interesting. i love his free hand work (such as the above) and his series of rat stencils that are all over the world. it is not only his style of art that i admire, but the way in which he has kept his identity a secret for so long and has not sold out on his art practice. he creates for himself and not for the public or any other people. this is what make me like him, as i myself consider that i create art for myself and for no one else. :)



Hey all!!
decided to make my very own blog that would allow me to be able to record all that i like online to make it super easy for me to keep a online link to my visual diary for my course!! hope you like art cause that's what you're going to get here, and anything i find interesting!!

totally owe this idea to my friend Claire. you can find her here

she's very heaps cool :)