Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Artist Infulence Four and Five: Marilyn Manson and Twiggy Ramirez

Although i can talk about these two people in one sense it would not do them justice nor fully explain how they influence me.
let's start with Manson, the more recognized of the two.

MARILYN MANSON: the poster boy for fear

Image: Marilyn Mason
Source: Unknown Don't Fabricate Stories About Marilyn Manson (2009)
[accessed 30/3/2011]

He is the king of shock rock and emerged in the late 90's with a style and attitude that was so alternate that he was banned from most concerts in America. I first discovered his music in 2007, the first song i ever heard  being "The Beautiful People"

From this I found his many albums, and now can say own all the main stream released ones . woo go me!
anyway on to why he's an influence. this man to me was an individual, he lets no one stand in his way of who he is and what he wants. not only this.
I loved the style the danger and the messages of being yourself in his music. 
i think i discovered Manson at a critical point in my life, and his music will always mean something to me. 
THEN if this could not get good enough i found out that he's fantastic at watercolours!! i know. how many talents can one person get ....gosh.
Image: When I get Old  Source: Lorrie (2008)      

image: The Man Who Eats His Fingers
source: Manson, M (2011) Paintings
[accessed 30/3/2011]

and he is also a director/actor :note highly graphic/sexual

This is why he is an influence on me and my work.

Probably the greater influence of the two as i enjoy his style and love his quirky remarks.It is he that i draw as my little character  everywhere. i love the androgynous he has and the fact that he is really the musical genius behind the band Marilyn Manson and their music.
  Image: Twiggy Ramirez
Source: Kishner, N (2011) Twiggy Ramirez
[accessed 30/3/2011]

i love his style and the eloquent way he has of speaking in interview when he was younger

that second vid i found just shows that i'm not the only one under his influence. and also out lines why i think he influences my art, he is innocent and perverse all in one. he is fantastic

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