Wednesday, 30 March 2011

The Ideas/ Processes behind the Diorama pt.2

i loved the movie and got the box set that came with a comic as well. i have seen the film over at least 20 times and read the comic at least 10 times.  i loved the way black and white is used in the graphic novel and bits of colour in the film.

i went through a period thinking that either i was a weirdo or the whole universe is insane. i have concluded on the latter. the perfect thing to show this i thought was R.Crumb's god figure that says that exact thing.
"the whole universe is completely insane"

i was given a 'how to draw manga' book and it was soon to be the only thing i did draw. this was the time that i found pen and was really coming into myself as an artist/illustrator. although i liked it at the time i am glad i do more than just that now and can still draw like this if i want to. 

although i still am gravely effected by music and get many influences form it i had a period of discovering new bands/ music and found that all i did was lay around listening to it, looking them up and their backgrounds and talking about them.
this is the list that comes just to the top of my head.
-The Vines
-Simple Plan
-Fall Out Boy
-System of a Down
-Good Charlotte
-Panic at the Disco
-Blink 182
-Alanis Morissette.

i loved the show 'Lamb Chop's play along, sing along', which had a song i sang repeatedly known as the "the song that doesn't end"'s just a taste...
"this is the song that doesn't end
, yes it goes on and on my friends
some people started singing it not knowing what it was
and they'll keep signing it forever just because...
this is the song that doesn't end
yes it goes......"

yeah you get the drift. i also loved and still love Aqua.
they're awesome.

and those are the reasons behind the images you see in this piece

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