Thursday, 28 April 2011


I Just entered a competition  to design a shoe pattern

and this was my design

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Terms of endearment

Over these last couple of days, as you have seen, i have been looking into the 'armature' or raw versions of video art that are created to look unfinished etc.
what i have noticed in these is a common need to explore the human condition, being from drug induced visions, social standings, to things that are said to one another.
I found this rather interesting, i think that people must respond to things in life that they either see or are subconsciously aware of.  
I always like to explore text and language in what i do and how they can be mirrored with visual contexts.
I have been at work this week and noticed that the happy mood of the 5 day long weekend allowed people to be more friendly with me as i served them. From this i found that people used many different terms of endearment while talking to me. Ranging from 'Mate' to 'Pet'.
this made me wonder, is it engrained in us to offer these terms to others to show how we feel, or to hide behind them?
I admit that i call people lovely or loveliness, but why?
What allows us to call our lover 'darl' after a session of lovemaking, but then call the checkout chick that serves you the same term..'darl'?

This is a list of what i either have been called or heard others be called
-darl (darling)
- Mate (matey)
- honey buns
- muffin

there are many more but i can't remember them at this moment.

I found this website:

in which some of the terms are quite funny..
it might be interesting to do a small series of pictures that illustrate them.
Most likely the ones that only apply to women, as i am one. or only the ones that apply to both. this could be interesting. 

Web definitions
  • A term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address and/or describe a person or animal for which the speaker feels love or affection. Terms of endearment are used for a variety of reasons, such as parents addressing their children and lovers addressing each other.

"Let's see how far These boundaries can be literal meaning can add insult to a harmless thing" . . .

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Rinaldo Basilio

Again form

 I found a video by Rinaldo Basilio on this site called "Advice" 

I found it very witty and etertaining and thought that i would look nice in a gallery setting as you don't have to watch the whole thing to get it- something i think is really important when making video art.
i then found out that this was a part of his "The Documents of Life" series, which funnily enough also had another video from this series called "Music"

Whilst  like "Advice" ( having the gallery quality to it) i found it rather boring, un-interesting and sometimes down right mocking. It did not hold my attention like his previous video, or in my opinion hold the same substance in it's meaning. 

If i was to create a video like this i would like the gallery viewing quality and maybe the humour, but i would like the viewer of the work think that even if i do come off as a douche that it does have some meaning, even if they cannot fathom it. 

References: (2009) Rinaldo Basilio; Advice [accessed 23/4/2011] (2009) Rinaldo Basilio; Music [accessed 23/4/2011]

Cristobal Catalan

Again finding him on

This is the second time that i have been drawn to click on his work known as "Venlafaxine Hydrochloride"


 (sinppit of the 1.27 min film)

Once you understand that the name "Venlafaxine Hydrochloride" is taken from a type of anti depressant drug, the footage Catalan uses makes much more sense in it's meaning. On the other hand it makes me feel utterly uncomfortable and confused in some way, it being the blurred/hyper real images or the soundtrack I'm not sure, but i think it really is a great work. 

this is the synopsis that accompanied it. 
"Perceptions of self spontaneously evolve into future ongoing states of equilibrium, but they do not spontaneously evolve away from such equilibriums. Processes of existence appear to be temporally “directed” in some sense. The nature of this directedness raises many questions about the macroscopics of time and space. Taking the name of an anti-depressant medication, this piece chronicles meta-physical visualisations of such states of equilibrium pertaining to perceptions of self." 

I would like to in my work show an issue or something close that i am interested in, like Catalan.

Refrences: (2009) Cristobal Catalan;Venlafaxine Hydrochloride [accessed 23/4/2011]

Friday, 22 April 2011

marco tassone

I was on this site

which is awesome and let myself stumble upon a video piece made by a person known as Marco Tassone.

the work i found is called "Bass Robots"
It is really a film clip for a Dubstep song. However, i liked how it was constructed and by using sound a simple images allowed me to follow what they where trying to convey easily.

I think that i will try and find at least 10 things a week from this site that i enjoyed or disliked. 

Refrences: (2009) Marco Tassone; Bass Robots. [accessed 23/4/2011]

Friday, 15 April 2011

Photos- the next step.

So out if the photos i decided on a couple that i thought looked really cool and decided to do these in pen.

I like what has come form these, i think it has opened my practice back up to new mediums and images that i can use. This makes me very happy, i feel a renewed love in my art and a interest to investigate into both my own and other artist's practices.
So look out world i'm back :)

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Today I took Photos

so for our next work of art at uni we have various choices. For me I think I have finally exhausted the twiggy image enough to annoy me and want to move onto something else. So i thought of art that i have liked that i have done and discovered i really, REALLY enjoyed working with fine line pen. therefore this is what i would do.

so i went to my backyard to see what images i could get and i came up with these beauties.


I really loved the nail one so i edited, so i would be able to transfer it over into pen.
I think it will look wicked. the only thing now is to experiment with my pens and get back into the hang of things :)

Experiment- photoshop and movie maker

so today i was editing some photos and when playing around with them i realised i could turn the threshold of the image i was using into a film. so i created a 'music video' for one of my fave Nine Inch Nails songs, called vessel. it turned out pretty cool and i had fun making it.

the whole thing was me just sequencing photos (all 40 of them) into different patterns to make different outcomes throughout the song.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Response to Diorama.

For uni we had to create a second piece that was a response to our diorama. this could be from either an image in it, or the theme its self, therefore meaning anything. What i ended up making both responded to the theme of obsession, whilst using the image of my twiggy character.

this was to accompany my Twiggins video (previously posted). the idea was to suffocate the view in this image, like what the feeling of being obsessed about something does to a person.
for me i feel as though i have finally worked through this image, allowing me to work on other aspects of my art practice that i want to explore.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Bruce Nauman

i love this video artist. in his work he makes the experience so intense that the viewer feels overwhelmed with what they're seeing. i like how he uses speech and images that are filmed simply to make this effect as the voices join together in a roaring sound .
one example of this is his work clown torture 1987

and also in his work good boy, bad boy 1985

and his work Feed me

Maritn, S (2006) Video Art. Taschen: London 

 Youtube (2011) Clown Torture-Bruce Nauman, 1987 [accessed 12/4/2011]

Youtube (2011) Bruce Nauman, Good Boy, Bad Boy, 1985 [accessed 12/4/2011]

Youtube (2011)Bruce Nauman Feed me Anthro/Socio: Rinde spinning[accessed 12/4/2011] 

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Influence: Abe Linkoln and Jim Punk

contemporary video artists whom work with each other to create trippy films. i disliked their work "Death Disco" when i first saw it as it overwhelmed and disorientated me. however it did show me how important sound is in a film.

Grace27, (2011) A pomtacular collaboration of simple delights [accessed 8/4/2011]

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Animation/ Inspriation Penelope Umbrico

this is a video for my second piece  following my diorama
it is a edited sequence of twiggy pictures i have drawn over time and is intended to make you feel suffocated by the image.

the inspiration for this came from Penelope Umbricio's Arrhythmia.

which you can view here

i suggest you check it out, it is very cool. i like it as if you watch for long enough you can either spot separate dishes or they morph all together into one big blob.
i first saw this at my week three studio practice lecture, and enjoyed it straight away.
also it applied well to my concept and what i wanted to do with my next piece.

References :
Mafe, D. (2011) Week 5 Lecture Kelvin Grove Campus Friday 1/3/2011

Umbrico, P (2011) Arrhythmia (All the Dishes on EBAY-10/28/01),
2002-03 [accessed 8/4/2011]

Influence: Robert Crumb (R Crumb)

is a classic cartoonist. he has illustrated many comics one of which is called 'Mr Natural"
Image: Mr Natural
i love the witty and cool things he say, and the dirty ones (something you'd think god wouldn't say)
i've always known this image growing up, but it was only recently when i found it in a magazine called juxtapose did i find one that was so awesome, that i instantly loved it for the comic irony
that the creator himself recognizes that we are indeed insane


Revelli, M (2009) Juxtapoz; Art and Culture magazine. pg 4.

Crumb R (2011) Robert Crumb [accessed 6/4/2011]

Influence: Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

once again i must mention a graphic novel i hold close to my heart. Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons are the team that brought us the awesome butt kicking story of  'Watchmen' on of my fave novels and one i think has the ultimate classy 'superhero' look. I love the detail of the images and how much time must have been put into the prep and making of such a thing.

Image: the gang
Image: bean juice smile
the thing i really love is the complete saturation of colour through the whole thing and how they play with it to give you different feeling in different scenarios. just love it


Moore, A. Gibbons D (1987) Watchmen. DC Comics: New York

Unknown (2010) Watchmen to be made in 2008? [accessed 6/4/2011]

Hundland, B (2011) HD Screencaps-Watchmen complete comic animation [accessed 6/4/2011]

Influence : Andy Warhol

The most recognized pop artist in the world and the most influence, in my opinion, in how we as artists can use popular culture in our work. it gives 'not art comprehensive' viewers to relate to art in a easy familiar way. this for me has given myself the courage to include celebrities in my practice and with it the many advantages of being able to connect to the audience using easy to read signifiers and text.

Image: Campbell Soup

Image: Gun
Image: wide world 

these are just a few and a couple that caught my eye. i love Warhol's use of colour and black blocking, he is truly awesome.
I also enjoy Warhol's prose, it is not like anything else.
here is one, that follows his video 'sleep'

I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.
I like Sleep.I like Sleep.


Conclusion: I like Sleep.

 as you can see from the above Warhol had fun with his work, something that i think is important in any art practice.                             


Wolf, R (1997) Andy Warhol, Poetry, and Gossip in the 1960's. University of Chicago Press: Chicago

Michael Arnold Art (2011) Andy Warhol American Painter 1928-1987, [accessed 6/4/2011]

Influence: Frank Miller

Frank Miller is my all time favorite graphic novelist, I as i hope you surely do count this as a form of visual art, making him one of my top rated artists and a very heavy influence in my art and ideas (for things that aren't twiggy related, which happens sometimes) and his stories are also very influential in my work as i enjoy witty text and solid story lines. 

my favorite images of his are in his sin city series.
Image: Marv smoking

Image: Nacy

Image: Nacy age 11
Image: Blue eyes
I also love the film which Miller helped direct and the fact that like in his work (art) that the film used select colour in a black and white world to give the viewers a link back to his work .

Miller, F (1996) That Yellow Bastard; A tale from sin city Dark Horse Comics 
Unknown (2008) Art of Frank Miller [accessed 6/4/2011]

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


This is the film for my diorama, it's a little cheesey but i had fun playing with final cut pro for the first time. although it's setup was much like the editing programs i have used before it was fun to be able to animate things and to play with more high res transitions.

Although it is simple and has no sound it has helped me understand this mac software that i now have access to. i would like to use audio and mess with those sequences, i think it would make a film, even as simple as this one be more effective and give it a different meaning. this is something that i can see using in future art works.


This is my favorite Australian Street artist at the moment, he is Brisbane based and is a top 50 Australian artist. I first saw his work on a ABC show (which i cannot not remember the name too for the life of me).
I actually see four Lister works on the way to uni every day

image: wall at bowen hills station

Friday, September 17, 2010
"I can't understand why council would leave tags that are on public property and yet go into private property without the owner's permission, without any contact with the owner and remove something that is clearly not a tag but a work of art."Cr Hinchliffe said.

the latter one is not as it used to be after a run in with the council, but it still very very cool
what i like about his work is the scale, the dirty unfinished quality and the grotesque images.
the skill and control put into a free hand work is too amazing to comprehend and yet he does it.


Lister, A (2011) Gallery [accessed 5/4/2011] 
Revelli, M (2009) Juxtapoz; Art and Culture magazine. pg 130.

My Lovelies- The first to really influence

Well around two-three years ago i started my own deviantart page, and found so many great artists and influences it's crazy!!.
I can seriously say that these people supported my practice like no other and i can say that most if not all i count as my friends, and part of my clan of lovelies.


the first i must say (that i can remember) who made the biggest impact on me was a lovely boy named Kyle Brickey, whom i first found when he was known as Kayla Manson13 and now is DeadMansTouch
Image: Guess Who's Back, 2011

he drew this for me last year
Image: For Caity-Trash, 2009-2011
as you can see (if you look at my stuff) is that Kyle's drawing technique greatly influenced my own as seen in one of my early pieces below.
Image: (My Own)Twig and Manson Study, 2008

This was to become something i refined and made my own over time. But i owe this image to kyle and his awesome art and supportive advice over the years. without I don't know where my practice who be, maybe it would be completely different but i know i would eventually explore the image of twiggy one way or another.

is an androgynous model and photographer.
Image: Manzin, unknown title, 2011

who you can find here

or on his own site

i was amazed by his look/persona and life. Manzin is a truly awesome human being who i admire creatively and whom of which i try to capture the fun he has in his work doing what he loves in my own. on a many occasion he has given me idea for compositions in my art and ideas for titles that i would never have thought of.
and who inspired me to a photoshoot using myself as the subject as i knew what i would want

image myself, own image, 2010

and now i understand why he uses himself, it was fun and the editing process was awesome.

of course there are many more people on this site that i love and whom inspire me. and so here is that list.
my list of lovelies:
 :icon0ogieb0ogie: :icon13abbynormal13: :iconacid-poptart: :iconaisworth: :iconakitosouma: :iconakkanash: :iconanndiiegustaf: :iconantichrist2005: :iconb33lz3bub: :iconbullsik: :iconcheetana: :iconchi-chi-lamare: :iconcode103: :iconcprhody: :iconcriss3366: :icondeadmanstouch: :icondoppel-ridic13: :iconelfik13: :iconexilehazard: :iconfetalnightmare: :icongakb1tch: :icongefahrlich: :iconheartofwings: :iconiclairecreations: :iconiluv2rock99: :iconindochinee: :iconisayboo: :iconjackieloathsome: :iconky--kiske: :iconleothefox: :iconloser-esque: :iconmandy-wolf: :iconmikokume-raie: :iconmistermanzin: :iconmkop: :iconmortuussoul: :iconnickkushner: :iconomega52: :icononeforthefridge: :iconrockisdeaddclxvi: :iconsomething-scary: :iconsoulstripper: :iconspasmaticgonads: :iconthe-meta-knight: :iconthundara: :icontoboewolf1: :icontwiggyleemanson: :icontwistedviolet: :iconumbrellasxfinest: :iconumwak: :iconxerhabenx: :iconxkrkx: 

and these special people (maybe up here twice)

I can say each of these people/artists have impacted my practice in one way or another and have continually been there through my practice as advisers or influences for the last two-three years therefore being one of the biggest influences in my art, making it what it is today,

I love you all my lovelies. i hope you know that,


DeadMansTouch, DeadMansTouch On Deviantart,2011  [accessed 5/4/2011]

Manzin MizterManzin On Deviantart, 2011 [accessed 5/4/2011]

all my lovelies links came off my own page at