Tuesday, 5 April 2011

My Lovelies- The first to really influence

Well around two-three years ago i started my own deviantart page, and found so many great artists and influences it's crazy!!.
I can seriously say that these people supported my practice like no other and i can say that most if not all i count as my friends, and part of my clan of lovelies.


the first i must say (that i can remember) who made the biggest impact on me was a lovely boy named Kyle Brickey, whom i first found when he was known as Kayla Manson13 and now is DeadMansTouch
Image: Guess Who's Back, 2011


he drew this for me last year
Image: For Caity-Trash, 2009-2011
as you can see (if you look at my stuff) is that Kyle's drawing technique greatly influenced my own as seen in one of my early pieces below.
Image: (My Own)Twig and Manson Study, 2008

This was to become something i refined and made my own over time. But i owe this image to kyle and his awesome art and supportive advice over the years. without I don't know where my practice who be, maybe it would be completely different but i know i would eventually explore the image of twiggy one way or another.

is an androgynous model and photographer.
Image: Manzin, unknown title, 2011

who you can find here

or on his own site

i was amazed by his look/persona and life. Manzin is a truly awesome human being who i admire creatively and whom of which i try to capture the fun he has in his work doing what he loves in my own. on a many occasion he has given me idea for compositions in my art and ideas for titles that i would never have thought of.
and who inspired me to a photoshoot using myself as the subject as i knew what i would want

image myself, own image, 2010

and now i understand why he uses himself, it was fun and the editing process was awesome.

of course there are many more people on this site that i love and whom inspire me. and so here is that list.
my list of lovelies:
 :icon0ogieb0ogie: :icon13abbynormal13: :iconacid-poptart: :iconaisworth: :iconakitosouma: :iconakkanash: :iconanndiiegustaf: :iconantichrist2005: :iconb33lz3bub: :iconbullsik: :iconcheetana: :iconchi-chi-lamare: :iconcode103: :iconcprhody: :iconcriss3366: :icondeadmanstouch: :icondoppel-ridic13: :iconelfik13: :iconexilehazard: :iconfetalnightmare: :icongakb1tch: :icongefahrlich: :iconheartofwings: :iconiclairecreations: :iconiluv2rock99: :iconindochinee: :iconisayboo: :iconjackieloathsome: :iconky--kiske: :iconleothefox: :iconloser-esque: :iconmandy-wolf: :iconmikokume-raie: :iconmistermanzin: :iconmkop: :iconmortuussoul: :iconnickkushner: :iconomega52: :icononeforthefridge: :iconrockisdeaddclxvi: :iconsomething-scary: :iconsoulstripper: :iconspasmaticgonads: :iconthe-meta-knight: :iconthundara: :icontoboewolf1: :icontwiggyleemanson: :icontwistedviolet: :iconumbrellasxfinest: :iconumwak: :iconxerhabenx: :iconxkrkx: 

and these special people (maybe up here twice)

I can say each of these people/artists have impacted my practice in one way or another and have continually been there through my practice as advisers or influences for the last two-three years therefore being one of the biggest influences in my art, making it what it is today,

I love you all my lovelies. i hope you know that,


DeadMansTouch, DeadMansTouch On Deviantart,2011 http://deadmanstouch.deviantart.com/  [accessed 5/4/2011]

Manzin MizterManzin On Deviantart, 2011 http://mistermanzin.deviantart.com/ [accessed 5/4/2011]

all my lovelies links came off my own page at

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