Saturday, 23 April 2011

Rinaldo Basilio

Again form

 I found a video by Rinaldo Basilio on this site called "Advice" 

I found it very witty and etertaining and thought that i would look nice in a gallery setting as you don't have to watch the whole thing to get it- something i think is really important when making video art.
i then found out that this was a part of his "The Documents of Life" series, which funnily enough also had another video from this series called "Music"

Whilst  like "Advice" ( having the gallery quality to it) i found it rather boring, un-interesting and sometimes down right mocking. It did not hold my attention like his previous video, or in my opinion hold the same substance in it's meaning. 

If i was to create a video like this i would like the gallery viewing quality and maybe the humour, but i would like the viewer of the work think that even if i do come off as a douche that it does have some meaning, even if they cannot fathom it. 

References: (2009) Rinaldo Basilio; Advice [accessed 23/4/2011] (2009) Rinaldo Basilio; Music [accessed 23/4/2011]

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