Monday 11 April 2011

Bruce Nauman

i love this video artist. in his work he makes the experience so intense that the viewer feels overwhelmed with what they're seeing. i like how he uses speech and images that are filmed simply to make this effect as the voices join together in a roaring sound .
one example of this is his work clown torture 1987

and also in his work good boy, bad boy 1985

and his work Feed me

Maritn, S (2006) Video Art. Taschen: London 

 Youtube (2011) Clown Torture-Bruce Nauman, 1987 [accessed 12/4/2011]

Youtube (2011) Bruce Nauman, Good Boy, Bad Boy, 1985 [accessed 12/4/2011]

Youtube (2011)Bruce Nauman Feed me Anthro/Socio: Rinde spinning[accessed 12/4/2011] 

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