this is a video for my second piece following my diorama
it is a edited sequence of twiggy pictures i have drawn over time and is intended to make you feel suffocated by the image.
the inspiration for this came from Penelope Umbricio's Arrhythmia.
which you can view here
i suggest you check it out, it is very cool. i like it as if you watch for long enough you can either spot separate dishes or they morph all together into one big blob.
i first saw this at my week three studio practice lecture, and enjoyed it straight away.
also it applied well to my concept and what i wanted to do with my next piece.
References :
Mafe, D. (2011) Week 5 Lecture Kelvin Grove Campus Friday 1/3/2011
Umbrico, P (2011) Arrhythmia (All the Dishes on EBAY-10/28/01),
2002-03 [accessed 8/4/2011]
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