Monday, 29 August 2011

The First Step - Research and Development

To get the primitive writing style i looked at runes and how they represented letters today.

I decided that i wanted to still be able to connect to the viewer, so the lettering i chose to create still keeps the basic English letter structures and sentence construction. however, in this newly developed visual language spaces between words were removed to obscure them.

I drew these up on photoshop, the decision to make them into stencils rather than hand painting them was decided for quick and effective application. on the other hand, i was not happy with how unobstructed the words were, as people other than myself could still work it out quickly. i wanted my language to be more engaging visually, so i tried manipulating the text until i found it interesting enough. this was unsuccessful (and unfortunately i didn't save them :( ... ) then the answer came to me, when i was younger i did develop my own writing styles, i used to write backwards, my parents thought my stories were just scribbles until they realised that i was mirror writing, then they'd hold it up to the mirror and see i had written English words. i think my first one was a drawing of my teddy bear with " I love my teddy" written backwards next to it (they'd later find out i had a mild form of dyslexia, but i'm glad they thought i was a genius), it was this that i thought i would employ in this text that i wanted for this piece. the photoshop trails look something like this :

I was much happier with these than the ones before. and this is how i developed my stencils.

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