Monday, 29 August 2011

Jenny Watson

Jenny Watson's paintings have a diaristic function, recording memories and everyday events and disclosing intimate and personal experiences. But she also recognises that representation or communication is dependent on codes and styles which often have a detached or awkward relationship with what is trying to be expressed. In her later work, Watson uses naive techniques such as irregular lettering and a lack of perspective to suggest 'childish' or regressive states where articulation is fragmented and unfinished.

Text is a fundamental part of Watson's work. she uses it to make comments on everyday life and art. i think the manipulation of  the English language is a visually exciting experience and would like to try somwthing like this in my own work.

Buther et. al. 2004. What Is Appropriation?; An Anthology of Writing on Australian Art In The 1980's & 1990's. IMA Publishing : Brisbane.  

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