Monday, 29 August 2011

Process - What is my process?

I have looked at my process in great depth. At first i didn't think i had a process to my work, i truly believed that i just went and made stuff with no thought to it. However i know realise that i do indeed have a process that i use when i go to create work.
Therefore i will take you step by step through this lovely thing that allows me to create work, and explain why i do it this way.

My process starts conceptually with something i find intriguing. This term I have noticed in my lectures that each artist creates a language in their work, whether it is text or visual, it is still their. these languages allow viewers to connect with the work on a deeper level as they feel that they're being involved in the work, that the story the artist is trying to tell also reflects the spectator's life in someway.

It is from here where i decided that i wanted to work with text and the question what is art? for what i have learned so far is that art is everything and nothing and all things in between. I wanted to somehow utilise the canvases i used last semester with my 'twiggins' drawings, something i was not happy with and didn't think of as art but rather childish drawings.

I have worked with text before in my work and from that experience i wanted this piece to be simple. what is aesthetically pleasing to me in my work is a grungy, dirty, unclean look. therefore the text i used in this would have to be primitive, dirty and totally mine in some way.

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