Saturday, 14 May 2011

Margaret Benyon

Whilst going through a book I found, I came across works by Benyon. These were Richard Hamilton (1991) and a picture of her cosmetic series and others (1987-88)

I found that I was instantly drawn to these images by their intense colour and haunting imagery. I love the way she constructs colour in her images, bringing out emotions that would otherwise be unnoticed.
I would like to be able to get this type of colour in my films, to add a weird texture the footage.  I wonder if I can use fluro paint? Now that is something to consider.  

Popper, F (1993) Art of the Electronic Age. Page 39. Thames and Hudson Ltd.: London
Jonathan Ross (n.b) Margaret Benyon.  Accessed 12/5/2011
Jonathan Ross (n.b) Margaret Benyon. Accessed 12/5/2011

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