Monday, 2 May 2011

MY art

I brought a video camera the other day and will have an editing suite within the next week.
For our uni assessment we are asked to 'explore' environments.
So i'm thinking that i'll do this with my new camera, as i have to do one for my computer class anyways.
I'm having fun with it.
i really want to show people a new way of looking at the world.
this i think is inspired by the film "American Beauty" which i have watched many times now.
It is filmed lovely the colours, the sets the positioning of the actors- beautiful
what i liked most is the snippits of footage they show off Jane's boyfriend Ricky's camera.
he describes everyday scenes as beautiful, a plastic bag as beautiful and a dead bird as beautiful.
I'd like to show the world how i see it, as i am told by others that it is different to what they see.
I think it would be very interesting. 

maybe i could combine music into it, like what i have in my head when i'm in that particular environment. 
no that I think would be interesting. . .

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