Monday, 16 May 2011


I'm enjoying looking at the 'weird' in the world. one thing sprang to mind today whe i was trying to think of weird things i could explore before this friday's tute at uni.
that is:
- hair
- fences
- bugs

i want to explore all of these at one stage but the easiest to do was edit a little bit of ready film supplied by horror films. i chose one particular scene that was in my head for weeks after seeing it. i'm not sure if it's because it's a great bit of horror or just my fear of creepy children, but the spider scene form the exorcist is one you don't easily forget.
so here's my vid:

  what is did was mess with the soundtrack and video that was provided. adding no sounds or effects-except for one...reverse.
so each clip has the original track playing both forward and backward at the same time. i found it interesting how both the reversed and the original visual matched well with the messed up track.
i enjoyed this and i think that maybe using film people have already seen and playing on expectations or references attached to it may be interesting to play with. be on stand by i'm sure there's many more to come.... Bruce Willis maybe?

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