I think text is a big thing in my life, form reading books to writing my name repeatedly on a peice of paper.
it's not only written text that i love, i is speech, lyrics, voice overs and quotes that i love. i think this is why video art appeals to me, as i can use these elements as well as visual to not only stimulate the viewer but to add another component to my art.
yes i understand that text can be used in the visual sense also, but i personally feel that unless it is done artistically or in the 'neat' 'standard' forms of writing people noramlly view text as a artist who is too lazy to draw, or who is 'weird', however if they are presented as a soundtrack people are fairly more engaged as they have to hear what is happening.
this brings me to the point of this post.
my tutor set me the task of making the weirdest film i can.
of course firstly i thought of this by concept, a simple film of myself, unedited and with original soundtrack. the only indication of it being weird by the title "The Weirdest Film I Can Make"
nevertheless i also thought of how i can make it to peoples expectations,
as most of my work is somewhat personal i decided to go back through my old stuff, my "writings of things" and i found some ideas i had written down for lyrics.
I thought i might post them here for you to see.
I may even use them for a soundtrack in my film.
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